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Joyful Refuge

Scenes from six days in the depths of Sesshin-which is an extended and intensive time of silent meditation. I was recently at the lovely cottage of my friend Zan in Robert’s Creek- immersed in Zen practice. These times away in deep meditation are as much a part of my painting practice as buying brushes! I […]

Featured in House and Garden

Look who’s in House & Garden Magazine this July! I am honoured for my work to be featured in the “Art Edit” edition of the gorgeous UK edition of House & Garden. It’s a beautiful issue and I hope that you can pick one up for a look.  (look for #3!)  


I am happy to be selected to show my painting Dive Deep in this group show courtesy of North Vancouver Arts Council. January 30 – February 28, 2015 Opening Reception:  Thursday, January 29, 7:00-9:00pm CityScape Community Art Space This group exhibition highlights abstract paintings in diverse styles and approaches, playing with the creative use of […]

New Maternalisms in Chile

Curator Natalie Loveless has just returned from Santiago where New Maternalisms is being exhibited now at The Museum Of Modern Art. She just sent me these shots. My video piece Family Tissues is being screened in the exhibition 🙂    

Family Tissues

Family Tissues refers to a theoretical and experiential exchange regarding growth; both in biological and philosophic terms. The video is a performative collaboration with my three boys; the placenta is the location for discussion around relationships in the micro and macro. Although it was produced within me, experiencing the placentas as objects allowed me to […]

New Maternalisms curated by Natalie Loveless

March 23-25. If you are in Toronto over the weekend or have family or friends there, please go to this exhibition. I have a video piece in it called Family Tissues. Natalie Loveless has curated an amazing show; I am honoured to be in it!! http://www.performanceart.ca/index.php?m=program&id=226